I’m Paula, born and raised in Argentina, founder and creative director of Salvador By P.

Two years ago, I decided to move to the United States in search of new adventures and, above all, experiences that would help me grow both personally and professionally. I then decided to pursue my passion, fashion.

Living abroad connected me with a new way of looking at the world and, above all, approaching this new project. I was able to breathe in new trends that motivated me to create this line.

Stepping out of my comfort zone not only allowed me to rediscover myself as a person, but it also pushed me to push the boundaries of my brand professionally. From style to the prints, each design is created with the women who will wear it in mind, with love, and cheek.

Salvador By P aims to empower all women equally, to make them feel confident and secure in their beautiful bodies. It’s about letting them know that they are sexy and that the only gaze that matters is their own, because that’s what it’s all about: self-love for who we were, are, and will be as women.

I hope you enjoy this collection as much as I enjoyed creating it.

With love,

Paula xx